A SHINY NEW TOY Story....part-1

Dear Santa,
I have been trying to get my best friend to notice me as more for
months. I want to stuff his stocking with all sorts of naughty toys to
help him realize how perfect we would be together. Perhaps a cock
ring and/or anal beads. Please help me to figure out just what
buttons to press to get him to take that step forward. Thanks!
Merry Christmas
“Ouch! Shit!”
James started hopping up and down on the sand, one foot in his hand. A piece of glass was
lodged right in his arch. He’d slammed down on it pretty hard, running to get the volleyball that
Quinn had launched over the net at warp speed. James lost his balance and fell in the sand, injured
foot high in the air.
“What’s the matter, dude?”
James’ best and oldest friend came jogging towards him, folding gracefully under the volleyball
net and sinking to his knees. Even through his pain, James’ breath caught in his throat when Quinn
leaned closer. He was hot from their game and the unseasonable warmth. He smelled like sun and
sweat and like Quinn. Sexy and familiar.
Jesus. Knock it off. James squeezed his eyes shut for a second; partially because his foot really did
fucking hurt, and well, because if he didn’t then Quinn might see something in his eyes that
shouldn’t have been there. It never used to be.
James didn’t know quite when it happened.
It seemed like one day he was sitting on his floor playing Star Wars with Quinn, making ‘Pow!
Pow!’ noises with little plastic toys and laughing like a hyena at Quinn’s Jar Jar Binks
impersonations, and the next—well let’s just say that somewhere between Jar Jar Binks and English
201 at the local college, Quinn stopped being just Quinn and became something completely…more.
“Man, that must hurt like a bitch. The glass is stuck up there really far.” Quinn’s face was screwed
up with concern.
James groaned. “Thanks for pointing that out. I’m going to try to pull it—“
“No, wait. Let’s do it back at the apartment where there’s soap and that antibacterial stuff. That
could get seriously infected if something gets in it.”
Two smiling college guys
stare into the camera. They
are shirtless, barefoot and
wearing jeans. One of the
guys is carrying the other
piggyback style.
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
James rolled his eyes. “Okay mister Physical Therapy degree. How am I going to get to the car?”
The path from the beach to the parking lot was at least a few hundred feet.
“I’ve got you. Here,” Quinn leaned over. “Get on my back.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, of course. Just consider it long overdue restitution for when you hauled me and my bike
home after that ice cream truck accident.”
James snickered at the memory, able to laugh because Quinn hadn’t gotten hurt very badly and it
happened nearly ten years before.
“All right. Here,” James struggled up to his knee, planting the uninjured foot in the sand. “Scoot
over a little.” Then he wound his arms around Quinn’s neck and was surprised by the strength used
to hoist him up.
James felt awkward riding Quinn’s back down the beach towards the car path. He had to hitch
his legs up a few times on slim hips, but Quinn’s warm skin beneath his arms, and the subtle shift of
those strong abdominal muscles between his thighs made the awkwardness worth it. Oh God.
“You doing all right back there, bro?” Bro. Keep that word in mind.
“Yeah. I’m not bleeding on your leg or anything, am I?” That’s right. Focus on the foot and not the
fact that you can feel his ass bumping up and down underneath your crotch.
“No worries. Hey, can you hold my camera? The strap keeps digging into my finger.”
James reached down and worked the camera strap free from where it was trapped by his thigh.
He wanted to squeeze Quinn’s fingers, lean forward and nip the back of his neck run his tongue
down that muscular spine…
“You guys are adorable, do you want us to take a picture of you?” James snapped his head up.
Two girls, probably in high school, and both in bathing suits and designer track bottoms were
grinning at him and Quinn.
When did they get there?
“Oh we’re not—“
“Sure,” Quinn interrupted him. “Jamie, give her my camera.”
He stretched out the arm that was holding the camera silently, not sure what to say.
"Smile!” The girl chirped brightly when she had the shot all lined up.
James hugged his arms around Quinn’s shoulders, using the excuse to feel all of that sexy skin up
against his chest. He smiled, although between the pain in his foot and the fact that he could barely
breathe, it was a little hard to pull it off.
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
“Perfect,” She told them, after she checked the shot and handed the camera back. “You two have
a great day.” The girl gave her friend a grin that could easily be considered naughty.
Quinn chuckled as soon as the two girls had walked out of sight. “Hey Jamie, what do you think
she was picturing?” He chuckled sarcastically and squeezed James’ thigh.
James groaned. The same thing I was. “I swear girls are the biggest pervs.”
“Please, they’re never gonna steal that award from us.”
When they got to the car, Quinn laid James across the backseat before he hopped in and started
the engine, ready to drive back to their apartment. James looked down at his foot and immediately
his stomach went queasy. The glass was still in deep, and his foot was dripping all over the place,
the bleeding showing no signs of slowing down.
“Uh, Quinn?”
“I think I’m gonna pass out.”
* * * *
It was officially the first night of Winter Break. James was lying, wrapped foot propped on the
couch. It had been a pain in the ass, well foot actually, taking his last few finals with every single
heartbeat throbbing in his arch. Quinn had been really helpful. Not only had he driven his
unconscious friend to the ER that day and sat with him for hours until his foot was clear of glass,
stitched up, and wrapped in gauze, but he’d been even nicer since. He’d done everything from
carrying James’ books so he could hobble with the crutch he’d gotten at the hospital to bringing him
dinner on the couch. The other guys who played water polo with them had been giving Quinn
constant shit about being James’ little girlfriend, but he just laughed it off and told them they better
hope they never got hurt. James had spent a lot of time reminding himself that Quinn was just begin
a good friend. It didn’t feel like that.
There was a storm raging outside, wind and rain battering the coastline and making everything
soggy and dark. James kind of liked the rain. He’d never quite gotten used to Florida winters after
spending his first eight years in New Hampshire. It always felt like they were a little cheated—at
least when the Santa stuff started showing up. It was hard to get all excited about a snow globe if it
was still shorts weather.
He heard keys jingling in the front door. Quinn. James’ heart did a big kerchunk in his chest
before it took off racing. He told himself to calm down for probably the millionth time. It was just
Quinn…It was just—shit, no use for it. There was no such thing as ‘just Quinn’ anymore. James kept
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
trying to slow his pulse as Quinn came in and flopped down on the couch, careful to avoid James’
wrapped foot.
“God, my bio final was brutal.”
“Poly-Sci wasn’t much fun either. I think I passed though.”
Quinn sat there for a minute or two, looking exhausted. Then he pulled James’ injured foot into
his lap and started rubbing it with gentle well-trained hands. “How’s this doing today?”
James didn’t know if he was going to be able to talk without squeaking. The pain and pleasure
pouring through his body from that one pressure point made his skin tingle all over. He wanted to
arch his back and moan.
“B-better,” He answered, trying to mask his stutter with a not very convincing yawn. He felt like
an ass. The guy was just doing what would soon be his job. “Wanna order pizza?” He hoped that
talking about food would make his insta-erection go away. Just in case, he bent his other knee so the
blanket would hide anything that might be showing.
“Sure. Pizza sounds perfect. Pepperoni, onion, and pineapple?”
James nodded with a happy sigh. “I think our friendship was meant to be. No one else
appreciates the perfect pizza toppings.”
Quinn chuckled and fished his phone out of his pocket.
They ate their pizza and watched a few dumb action movies on HBO. The storm had gotten
worse, but it lulled James. The wind and constant patter of rain on their bay window was practically
sleep inducing, not to mention the continual soothing pressure of Quinn’s hand on his foot and
ankle. He closed his eyes for a second and leaned his head back.
“Hey, Jamie?” Quinn’s voice was quiet. James wondered if he actually had fallen asleep. “You
need to go to bed. You were totally passed out.” Guess that’s a yes. He lifted his legs from their
comfortable perch on Quinn’s thighs and hobbled off towards the bathroom to brush his teeth and
take the last of his pain pills.
“Night, dude,” He muttered to Quinn in between yawns.
“Night, Jamie.”
James made a face. “Why do you still call me that? No one else has since like the sixth grade.”
Quinn smiled. “Because I can. Go to bed…Jamie.” He smirked and James stuck out his tongue
before shutting himself in the bathroom.
James lay down in his bed and stared into the darkness, just like he did nearly every night. No
matter how tired he was, as soon as he was in the near silence of his room, his mind woke up and
refused to let his body fall asleep. He could hear the faint hum of the television, or maybe the radio
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
coming from Quinn’s room. Quinn had always had a hard time sleeping in pure silence. James
remembered that from their many sleepovers. He thought of Quinn, lying in bed on the other side of
the wall, maybe wearing boxers, or nothing at all. His stomach tightened, breathing quickened, and
as usual, he was wide awake.
James’ eyes drifted to his nightstand drawer.
I shouldn’t. Not with Quinn awake in the next room. He really, really wanted to.
He’d gone on a little fieldtrip with his embarrassingly open-minded sister a few weeks before to
a big chain store sex shop. She’d wanted to get a few things for her and her boyfriend, and she’d
talked James into a plug, a set of anal beads, and this sparkly red vibrator with hearts all over it that
was almost too cute to be hot. He’d been dying to try it though, on himself, or maybe Quinn. Or both.
Definitely both.
The thought of pushing into Quinn with the vibrator, or his fingers, or even better, gulp, his cock,
made James shiver. Decision made. He reached over and pulled the shiny new vibrator and a bottle
of lube from his nightstand.
* * * *
“Jamie, are you asleep?”
James lifted his head from the pillow and stared into the darkness, trying to make his sleepy
brain focus on the noise coming from the direction of his doorway. He was groggy and a little loopy
from the pain medication. It was really hard to keep his eyes open.
“Quinn? What are you doing here? What time is it?”
“I don’t know, late. I was messing around on my computer and the power went out. The storm’s
getting worse.” Like he’d timed it, a clap of thunder shook the apartment.
“Just go to sleep, Quinn. It’ll be over in the morning.”
James felt his bed move. Quinn must have sat down at the foot. “I can’t go to sleep. I don’t…I don’t
like storms.”
If that wasn’t the most adorable thing ever. “Sit here for a few minutes. It’ll calm down.”
“Can I just sleep in here? I know I sound like the biggest loser ever but I really don’t want to be in
my room alone.” Quinn scooted over and lifted the edge of the comforter.
“Hey, I’m naked!” James hissed—not that he minded. In his Vicodin induced haze snuggling
naked with Quinn not only sounded nice, but possible too. Hey it could happen…
“It’s no big deal, dude. We see each other naked every day in the showers.”
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
James usually spent those after practice showers trying really hard not to look at Quinn. He
usually succeeded. Quinn slipped under the covers and huddled closer to James.
“Okay. Just close your eyes and fall asleep.”
“I will. Hey sorry in advance. I’m kind of a cuddler.” Quinn’s words were accompanied by an arm
slung across James’ midsection.
Breathe, James, breathe.
It was silent for a few minutes save for Quinn’s restless wiggling. Finally his voice broke the pitch
black quiet.
“What the hell is this thing poking my—“ Quinn reached under the covers.
Oh, Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! James couldn’t remember whether or not he put the vibrator away
before he’d passed out. Apparently the answer was no, he did not. Oh, God, naked in bed with his
best friend who just found his…James wanted to crawl into the darkest corner of his room and die
of embarrassment.
“Is this what I think it is James Ryan Boyle?” James could hear the grin in Quinn’s voice.
“Just, give it to me!” He lunged towards Quinn, trying to grab the offending toy. He ended up
sprawled across Quinn’s chest with Quinn holding the toy off of the bed and out of James’ reach.
“Since when are you into these?”
James gave up and flopped back down, burying his face in his pillow. “Since tonight,” he
mumbled miserably. It was official. He was going to die.
“Did it feel good?”
James lifted his head up and stared at Quinn, whose face was close enough to be almost clear in
the absolute darkness. “Are you making fun of me or do you really want to know?”
“I really want to know.”
James could feel his face color. He was glad that Quinn wouldn’t be able to see it. “Yeah, it felt
good. Really good actually.”
“And you wanted to try it because…”
James sighed. Twelve years of experience had taught him that Quinn wasn’t going to let it go
until he had all of the answers he wanted. “I wanted to see what it felt like because…so that…Jesus,
it’s because I’m gay Quinn!” He squeezed his eyes shut and waited for some kind of blow up.
“I know,” Quinn answered serenely.
That most certainly was not what he expected.
“You do?”
“Of course. I’m your best friend, dork. I’ve known for years.”
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
Quinn sputtered. “Why didn’t you?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I was afraid.”
“Of what? This?”
Before James had a chance to react, his lips were being covered in a kiss, sweet and insistent and
everything he’d barely allowed himself to dream of. His body reacted in swells of delight, gooseflesh
sweeping over his skin. It was a dream. It had to be. Quinn, nipped softly at James’ lower lip and
drew away.
“Quinn?” James whispered when their lips parted. He was afraid to ask the question, but he
needed to know.
“Yeah?” James was being kissed again, with bites and licks and a warm slick tongue trailing down
his neck.
“What are you, ugh, doing?” Oh God, Oh God, Oh God…
“Kissing my best friend.”
“W-why?” James had a hard time concentrating with Quinn biting and licking his neck like that.
When Quinn tongued a path around the rim of his ear he couldn’t help moaning out loud.
“Because I want to.” Quinn whispered it in his ear, the warmth of his breath making James
“Since when?”
“I don’t know, a while—but I never realized you wanted it too until earlier when we were
watching TV.”
James cringed. “What did I do?”
“I’ll tell you later. Just kiss me.”
James couldn’t imagine anything he wanted to do more than kiss Quinn…so he did; he kissed
Quinn’s soft lips, his nipples, the line of his jaw, and the place on his neck where his pulse pounded
strong and fast. Then James turned Quinn over and kissed and licked his way down Quinn’s spine.
He was shaking and turned on and scared of everything that might be happening. The rain pounded
away outside, making his room feel like a dark warm paradise that he never wanted to leave. Quinn
trembled and arched into James’ touch.
“That feels amazing.”
James smiled but didn’t say anything, just kept going, exploring the tanned muscular expanse of
Quinn’s back with his seeking, thirsting mouth. When he got to the edge of Quinn’s pajama bottoms
he paused, but Quinn flipped over onto his back and impatiently pushed the bottoms off. Then he
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
reached for James, wrapping him up in what felt like miles of hot silky skin, waxed clean for the
James quivered and brought his hands up to frame Quinn’s face; still barely able to believe it was
actually happening.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because you’re straight—at least I always thought you were.”
Quinn considered that. “I’m probably bi. I’ve noticed other guys but you’re the first one I’ve ever
really wanted for real. Doesn’t really matter what I am though—I’m here because I want to be here.
With you.”
James didn’t say anything, simply reached over for another kiss, reeling at the fact that Quinn
wanted him. The kiss was just as emotional and explorative as the first except with full body contact
that gave him a high like no other. He wasn’t expecting the velvet slide of Quinn’s tongue, or the
hands that started to explore him, shoulders, back, the tingly skin right underneath the crease of his
thighs. James wrapped his leg around Quinn’s hips and pulled him closer. Quinn’s hand slipped
between them, testing James’ nipples, the skin of his stomach…lower.
James gulped, then sighed when the calloused grip of Quinn’s palm surrounded the suddenly
throbbing shaft of his cock.
“You feel nice. So hard.”
James couldn’t help the moan that slipped out. “It’s cause of you.”
“Glad I could be of service.”
Quinn gave James a sly smile and pushed their hips together so he could hold both of their cocks
in his grip. James drifted in the delicious sensations for a few moments before he had to stop it.
There was no way in hell he was going to come early and miss out on what might be next. What he
didn’t expect was for Quinn to hop out of the bed with a grin.
“I’ll be right back,” He said and bent to the floor. The next thing James knew he was staring at the
empty doorway.
When Quinn returned he carried James’ vibrator, shiny and newly washed, and a handful of
“I didn’t know if you had any of these.”
“Are we—?”
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
Quinn leaned closer, dropping the toy and the condoms on James’ nightstand. “I really hope so,”
he whispered in James’ ear. “But before I get inside of you, I want to try it.”
“Try it?”
“The vibrator. You said it feels good. I want to try it.”
James’ breath caught excitedly in his throat. He smiled in the darkness before he leaned over to
pick the vibrator off of his table and fish around on the floor for his lube.
“In a minute. I want to touch you first.”
Quinn lay back contentedly. “Touching is encouraged.”
James started slowly, revisiting Quinn’s nipples, his neck, the muscular planes of his perfect flat
abs. Then he drifted lower, licking up Quinn’s cock before swallowing it whole. He saw Quinn whiteknuckling
the sheets and had to grin.
“Jamie, oh my God.”
James kept sucking, licking, funneling months’ worth of fantasies into that one intimate act. He
stopped only to slick one finger, which he worked gently into Quinn’s ass. Soon, though, he pulled
away to slick up two fingers with lube and push them back inside a little bit at a time.
When he thought Quinn was ready, he covered the vibrator with lube and slowly worked it
inside, watching Quinn’s face.
“That thing is huge,” Quinn grunted.
James angled toy so it would bump into Quinn’s prostate and switched it on low. Quinn started
moving his hips, trying to increase the pressure of the toy. James bent forward and took Quinn’s
cock into his mouth, sucking with increasing pressure and thrusting gently with the toy at the same
time. He kept going, drinking in Quinn’s low howls of pleasure. It didn’t take long for Quinn to grab
James’ shoulder.
“Wait, wait. I don’t want to come yet. I want to be inside of you.”
James froze, panting and hot, then slid up Quinn’s sweat slicked body. When he got to the top he
gave Quinn a long, deep kiss.
“I think I like that plan.”
James gently pulled the vibrator out of Quinn and tossed it to the side before reaching out to
snag a condom from the bedside table. He rolled it onto Quinn, then flipped onto his stomach, giving
Quinn a naughty look over his shoulder.
“No. Not like that. I want to look at you.”
Quinn tugged until James flipped back over. He spread James’ thighs and crawled between them,
dousing his cock liberally with lube. He hooked his elbow under James’ knee and tilted him up,
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
aiming for the tight pucker that James was dying to have him claim. To James it seemed like he
could feel every molecule of Quinn pushing inside, filling him up, stretching, impaling. It felt like he
barely had room to breathe. It was fine, though. He wouldn’t miss breathing if he got to have Quinn
in his bed every night.
“You okay?” Quinn looked concerned. James realized he’d been squeezing his eyes closed, but he
wasn’t hurt, just overwhelmed by the sensations dancing through his body.
“Yeah, I’m good.” He lifted his hips. “Fuck me Quinn. I want it.”
When Quinn started to move, James nearly sobbed out loud. Their sweaty skin, the deep
breathless kisses, the way that Quinn nailed him in the exact right place every single damn time—it
was all too much to withstand.
James came without warning, clenching down on Quinn’s body and shouting out in shock.
“Jamie,” Quinn panted. “God, baby, come for me.”
It didn’t take Quinn long either. Just a few quick strokes and he froze, fingers digging into James’
hips. Quinn flopped down on top of him and sprinkled his face with happy slobbery little kisses.
“You felt amazing,” he finally whispered.
James reached up to cup the back of Quinn’s head. “So did you. I can barely…”
“I know what you mean.”
Quinn shifted and pulled slowly out of James. He snagged a tissue from the box that was
perpetually on the nightstand and wrapped up the condom before he dropped it on the floor.
James snuggled into Quinn, hoping his previous shameless cuddler status still applied after
having sex with his best friend. He wasn’t disappointed. Quinn bundled him up in warm arms and
James floated happily there for a few minutes—but he couldn’t fall asleep.
“MmmHmm?” Quinn’s voice was a contented rumble against his neck.
“Was this?—“ A warm hand came up to cover James’ mouth. Quinn bit the back of his neck
gently, kissed the same spot, then wrapped James in the warmest tightest hug ever.
“Yes it was. And it will be the next time and the time after that. Does that answer your question?”
James turned to face his oldest friend and brand new lover.
“You sure?”
Quinn gave James a sleepy smile. “You worry too much. C’mere. It’s like four in the morning. We
should go to sleep.”
“You woke me up!”
“Yeah, and you hated it, didn’t you?”
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
Quinn chuckled softly. “That doesn’t sound like going to sleep.”
“What did I do—earlier on the couch, I mean?”
“You said my name when you were sleeping, and then you kind of arched your back and moaned.
It was the way you said it, like I was giving you pleasure. I wanted to be in that dream with you so
“Are you really that afraid of storms?” Come to think of it, he didn’t remember Quinn freaking
out that much ever before.
“No.” Quinn’s grin was pure magic.
“Didn’t think so.”
Quinn pulled James as close as they could get, legs carefully twined to avoid hitting James’ sore
foot, faces nestled close together on one pillow. James couldn't help doing a silent little happy dance
in his head.
Merry Christmas to me, he thought. Merry Christmas to me.

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