JUNIPER’S CHRISTMAS STOCKING by A.J. Llewellyn full story..

The letter fell on my front door mat and caught my attention.
I’m inundated by mail all year round, but this one intrigued me. I
don’t get too much mail from adults. Especially letters from
adults with photos of me right there on the envelope. I snatched
it up and ran off in private to read it. I hunkered down in one of
Barbie’s Malibu Beach Castle displays inside the girls’ toy
production department, where the elves were busy painting
scary faces on the Bratz dolls.
I scanned the note, which read:
Dear Santa,
I lead such an innocent life but after being a member of the
group for a year I find myself being corrupted slowly.
How I would love to know what happened next to poor virginal Kurt after he just happened to
wander into a leather bar. Would he be offered a cup of tea and a piece of cake or will he turn out to be
a bratty sub perhaps?
Please make my Xmas wish come true. Love to Mrs. Claus.
Well, if that doesn’t warm the cockles of a dirty old man’s heart, nothing will! I began to write,
the memories of that delicious, wicked encounter replacing all thoughts of dancing sugar plums in
my head…
Dear Juni,
Yes, there really is a Santa Claus and have you been a good little ho, ho, HO, this year?
Ahem…Kurt…ah yes, I remember the boy well. Don’t buy that sweet little virginal act. He’s the
bossiest bottom I’ve ever met. And I’m Santa Claus! You wouldn’t believe the things grown men,
especially the allegedly straight ones, will do for a free Wii under the tree.
But I digress.
You see, I moonlight as a bartender in the Christmas off-season at The Celestial Revolver. That’s
me behind the bar there. Yep, they call me the Silver Fox. It’s the swellest day job ever. You wouldn’t
believe the action I see. Yeah, I know I’m supposed to be thrilled about making a load of stupid toys
A prissy young dandy seats on
a bar stool wearing a smart
suit with a red bow tie; he is
clutching a martini glass with a
bewildered look on his face. A
dozen muscle bound
leathermen surround the
young man with curious and
hungry looks in their eyes.
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
all year, but that’s my old lady’s job. You might know Mrs. Claus as Chi Chi Larue. She’s one swingin’
chick…if you know what I mean...
Me, I’m just an old perv. She’s an old perv all year, too. Who else do you think came up with the
idea to manufacture all those gay porn star dildos?
Want one?
So here’s how it all went down...
I keep my beard trimmed in the summer months but men still seem to think I’m one big barrel of
peppermint stick fun. And, I am.
I pour drinks and make men…er…merry.
Kurt came into the bar one sunny afternoon. They may not look like it but his cherry-red pants
are made of leather, so he’s not your average choir boy. He ordered a slippery nipple, not a Shirley
Temple, so that tells you right there that this boy’s just lookin’ for trouble. I gave him a drink,
stroked my summer beard and pressed the button under the counter letting the guys in back know
that we had a live one.
He likes leather. Heck, who doesn’t?
Ho, ho, HO!
He likes, dick, too.
HO, HO, HO!!!!
He started to shake, just to cement the idea he’s a sweet boy. Sweet, my ass! Well, actually, his
ass is sweet too. I’ve enjoyed a taste of it a time or two. Christmas might only come once a year, but
Santa sure doesn’t!
In fact, Santa likes variety and he likes them naughty, not nice. Where do you think I came up
with Ho Ho Ho anyway?
So, I invited Kurt to climb up on my north pole. I’m pleased to say my size frightened him. Last
time we played, he’d had more than a few cocktails. This time he was working his way through the
second one when I asked him to vacate the stool.
“Why, Santa?” he asked, all wide-eyed and goofy. “What do you have in mind?”
“Your ass is wanted in the back room,” I said, wiping down the bar top.
“Me?” His voice came out in a squeak.
I topped up his cocktail glass and watched the Seven Dwarves crowd him. Sexy, Spanky, Sucky,
Sticky, Slurpy, Slinky and Blimey (whose nickname will soon become obvious) put their hands on
his shoulders and spun him around like they were about to play Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Kurt
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
glanced at me, a frightened yelp on his lips. I suspected this donkey already knew his tail was about
to be nailed…nay, flogged, four ways from Sunday.
I was worried for a moment. He was about to take on seven guys with sex on their dirty minds. I
made a list, checked it a couple of times…hmm…maybe I needed to be there to watch and protect.
Gotta know who’s naughty and who’s naughtier, you know. I noticed a couple of the fellas get a big
aggressive as they dragged Kurt away.
“Play nice,” I shouted as the bar filled with guys wanting their happy hour drink. Yeah, I wanted
my happy hour, too.
I got one of the other bartenders to swap places with me. He didn’t look happy. Who doesn’t love
an orgy? I promised him he’d get his chance in the romper room and rushed to join the others.
Before I even got there, my cock was hard. I’d like to say I’m not the type to kiss and tell but that
would be a lie. I’m an old gossip.
At the entrance to the back bar, I was right behind Kurt as his head swiveled around in disbelief.
When he saw what awaited him in the private room, his squeals turned to grins. He took a long swig
of his cocktail and turned to me.
“Santa, I’ve been a baaaad boy!”
I nodded. “I just know you have, Kurt. If you want me to put a toy under your tree, you’d better
get busy.”
“What kind of toy are we talking?” Kurt asked.
“Any kind you want.”
He still looked worried, even when he’d finished his second drink, but he soon found other
things to occupy his mouth.
The guys undressed him and as I could have predicted, Spanky got his hands on Kurt’s delicious
little bubble butt and read the word tattooed on Kurt’s tailbone.
Yes, Juniper, I know you love tattoos. You’re a dirty girl! And he’s a very, very dirty boy!
Santa loves you both!
Ho! Ho! HO!
Spanky went crazy when he saw that word.
“Oh, fuck!” he shouted, and put a couple of hand slaps on Kurt’s wiggling ass. He let his fingers
trail between Kurt’s cheeks, right along the crack, as Sticky moved up to Kurt and began kissing
Kurt. Things got hot awfully fast, with Sticky slipping his tongue into Kurt’s mouth.
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
Their frantic kisses seemed to get to Slurpy who dropped to his knees and began to suck Kurt’s
“Oh, my!” Kurt gasped, breaking off his kiss with Sticky. “That feels good!”
I signaled to Slinky to get busy and he joined the hot little group as everyone around them
watched. The entire room stopped as Slinky knelt between Kurt and Spanky. He put his face right
between those now-pink ass cheeks and began to lick. Spanky slapped Kurt a couple more times,
just to make his ass wiggle one more time.
Kurt now focused on kissing Sucky.
The group wanted to get more comfortable and shuffled with their naked bottom boy to the pool
table in the middle of the room. They hoisted him onto the table, where he knelt on all fours. He
moaned as Slurpy climbed up behind him, still licking his ass.
“Tastes like chicken,” Slurpy said as he stuffed his whole face into Kurt’s cute butt. Kurt glanced
down as Sucky got underneath him and began sucking Kurt’s rigid cock. Kurt was about to reach
down and lick Sucky’s massive tool, except a massive, absolutely enormous cock appeared in his
“Blimey!” Kurt said.
“Pleased to meet you,” said the Adonis who owned the twelve-inch piece of paradise. Kurt looked
a little stunned. Then he looked so happy.
“I’m not sure he can take it all,” he whispered.
“You’d better try,” I warned, “if you don’t want to wake up to no gifts Christmas day.”
“Santa, you’re cruel,” Kurt said, looking hurt. He moved his mouth over the head of the cock. He
was so pretty sucking that thing. Hands and mouths moved all over his body until somebody rolled
him onto his back. Sucky and Slinky sucked his nipples, Blimey kept feeding him cock and now
Slurpy worked on Kurt’s ass, which left his sweet cock to me.
I gave it a tug, then gave it a suck and that angelic little Kurt came hard for me, deep in my throat.
He gave a shout, Blimey’s cock popping out of his mouth.
“Sorry, Santa,” he said, panting. “I couldn’t wait. All these hot mouths and hands…”
“I understand. Who would you like to fuck?”
“Blimey!” he moaned. “Please. I gotta have that dick. And Santa, can I suck you?”
“Yes,” I said and joined the fun on the pool table.
Kurt’s mouth moved all over my cock and balls. He really is an enthusiastic little cock-sucker.
Blimey gloved up, using a an extra large condom. A few hands made light work of spreading lube all
over Kurt’s waiting ass and Blimey’s big man meat.
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
He started poking his cock at Kurt’s ass.
“More,” Kurt whined. “More…”
The word died in his throat as Blimey started pumping him. He fucked Kurt so hard that I was
seeing stars and I was just a spectator.
“I can usually go longer,” Blimey insisted, “but he’s so fucking tight!”
“I’ll fuck him,” Slinky said, rolling Kurt onto his back. Spanky sucked Slinky’s cock for a moment,
not that he wasn’t already good and hard, but hey, this was a cock fiesta! He rolled a condom over
Slinky’s nice big cock and Kurt grabbed at it.
“You’d better fuck me really good, Slinky. I want lots of presents this year!”
“Yeah? Here’s a present,” Spanky said and fed Kurt’s open mouth his cock.
Sucky and Slurpy poured fresh buttery nipples for everyone. They told Spanky to take his cock
out of Kurt’s mouth and poured the yummy liqueur all over it. Kurt went bonkers licking it off.
Over and over again, we doused Spanky’s cock with the smooth, tasty cocktail and Kurt never got
tired of licking the man clean.
“Waste not, want not!” he said as Spanky shoved his cock back into Kurt’s mouth. He came, Kurt
distracted for a moment as Slinky shot hard and deep inside Kurt’s snug little ass.
“More,” Kurt said. We had a serious, swingin’ orgy going on. Everybody fucked everybody,
but Kurt got the most bang for his…er, butt. At one point, I saw Sexy and Spanky taking turns
feeding their cocks to Kurt as Sucky and Sticky licked and sucked his nipples. Slurpy and Slinky took
turns sucking Kurt’s cock as Blimey fucked the man again.
Kurt came so hard he let out an operatic yell that probably woke the dead. Well, they heard it all
the way up in the North Pole because my old lady started texting me.
While you’re down there having fun, our workers are revolting!
I texted back: I wouldn’t say that. Some of them are kinda cute. That new one with the big ears is
hot. Don’t you think?
My irate wife texted back: Don’t be an ass. They’ve gone on strike. They’re marching in solidarity
with the Easter Bunny’s Workers’ Union! Can you believe that? All those idiots have to do is sit
around and make crappy chocolate eggs and drop them in a few gardens. We make millions of toys
and you have to squeeze down chimneys for God’s sake!
Huh. This wasn’t pleasant news. I have an image to maintain. Santa couldn’t show up without
toys. Wikipedia would make mince meat of me! I sat in the corner in a chair, brooding when Kurt
came over to me, naked, his cock half-hard.
“Santa. Everybody in the room fucked me, now what about you?”
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
“Sure,” I said. I wanted the distraction. No, I needed the distraction. With the elves on strike that
left me to finish painting the Bratz doll faces. As Kurt knelt between my thighs and liberated my
cock from my button-down fly I texted back the news to Chi Chi that I’d help out with the dolls.
She didn’t respond. Probably too busy road-testing the Tony Buff Realistic Dildo.
I watched Kurt sucking me, so eager…so fucking talented! I found myself smiling. I wasn’t
thrilled about painting the Bratz doll faces but I’d get my revenge when my old lady wasn’t looking.
I’d give them all crossed eyes! Yeah!
Kurt worked on my cock getting me all hot and juicy. He raised his head, his lips pouting and
“Will you fuck me, Santa, pretty please?”
“Of course,” I said. He produced a rubber and put it on me, then spun around so he could sit on
me facing away from me. They call that reverse cowboy in gay porn, Juniper. I, Santa, have mastered
the art. I kept my gaze on that fabulous tattoo as Kurt rode me like a demented, cock-happy whore. I
kept seeing the word More bouncing up and down on my lap.

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