IN THE CITY OF NEVERLOVE by Heinrich Xin story book....

I met the man I wanted to be together with in Benjamin's. That was a summer night, one of the
many business nights. In the bar full of hot odour, he was drinking Vodka over there. At that
moment, I understood the feel of a cool breeze from the sea.
I sat down next to him. He looked at me.
'I know what you are. I don't need your service,' he said.
'I hope I can do more than serving you,' I remembered I felt in love with him at first sight.
'Oh?' he looked at me, his eyes wide.
'I want to be together with you,' I remembered that no program could make me say that.
'No, no, no,' he laughed gently, 'a man, a human would never love a Harlequin. Got it?'
I remembered I got it very well, and he left the bar soon afterwards.
Maybe he didn't love me because I was a Harlequin.
I gazed at the photo of my man in the dark, till I received an incoming frequency at eleven. It was
from a beacon far away. I got dressed and went out of the apartment quietly. The frequency
strengthened as I walked on my daily route to Benjamin's, like I was guiding myself.
But I stopped in front of the bar, in spite of that the frequency asked me to keep moving. I
stopped because I spotted the man I wanted to be together with.
The frequency was still active. I sent a message saying, 'I'll come tomorrow.' and shut down my
receiver quickly.
I walked into Benjamin's and sat down beside my man again. He noticed me. 'You're a Harlequin,
aren't you?' he asked.
'Yes, I am.'
A gorgeous man lies
naked on a big bed
overflowing with white
sheets. He is blindfolded
and his wrists are bound
to the headboard.
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
'Have we met before? You look familiar.'
'Yes, I hope I can do more than serving you.'
'Oh,' he looked at me in amazement, 'it's you.'
'Yes. And I still want to be together with you.'
My man went silent. He just kept drinking.
You're still a cool breeze from the sea. Do you know that's why I love you? I thought.
'I miss you these days,' I said.
'I'm married,' he said, 'but I think I need your service tonight.' He finished the last cup of Vodka.
We left the bar and walked back to my home. The night was quiet and warm. I remembered it
would be spring soon. But the wind was still cold.
After we got in the door, I asked my man if he liked the furniture and decoration.
'It's nice. You don't have to ask for my opinion.'
Embarrassed, I told my man the apartment had been disinfected and suggested him to have a
bath first. He took a shower instead and walked out naked.
I know you would be no different from other men. But I feel differently tonight, I thought.
'Are you going to start?' I stood up and said. Then, I regretted.
'No, no, no, I like to be naked to relax.' He stopped me and sat down.
He turned to the photo on the wall.
'Oh, I just took it out this afternoon. Nobody saw it before,' I explained quickly.
'I'm not thinking about that. It's just, I look so innocent on the photo.'
'You still look innocent right now.'
'Maybe. Sit down, please.'
I sat down, but stood up again, 'I've bought some food and drink. What would you like?'
'Just water, thanks.'
I fetched a bottle of mineral water and gave it to my man. And I sat down.
'Why don't you talk about yourself?' he asked.
'I thought you knew a lot about Harlequins.'
'There must be something I don't know, right?'
So I told him I was saving money to jail-break on the black market.
'Really?' he asked.
'Yes, I want to escape from the recycling and be free. Do you know how our manufacturer recycle
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
'Of course not.'
'I have seen it. I saw my friends suddenly got terminated, and the recycling program began to
run to send their bodies back to the factory. It's horrible.'
'So you want to hack the deadline setting and erase the recycling program?'
'Yes. And after that, we dare not download security fixes of the operating system. What if we get
deactivated right away or the deadline setting is back after the updates?'
'Well,' my man sighed, 'I'm an Internet engineer. I don't know much about the robotic
programming. But would you mind if I take a look at your interface?'
'There's a terminal on my back, but you can't access it without proper tools.'
'What do you mean?'
I took off my shirt, fetched a scalpel from the drawer, cut open my back skin and ripped it apart.
My man looked at me nervously.
I showed my back to him. He found the terminal inside the crystal shell easily.
'Do you notice the diamond-patterned shell?' I asked him.
'That's why we are named Harlequins. As you can see, it's a single piece of shell --- the new
design. Right now I don't have the necessary tools to cut it. I don't know what a 3G's back look like,
either. But the 1G's is made up of three parts; it's easy to jail-break. Many 1G Harlequins escaped
and got arrested later on.'
'Oh. But, if they knew they would get arrested, why did they want to escape at the first place?'
my man asked seriously.
'We know we will get arrested. I know I will get arrested. But I want to feel free, even for only
one day.' I restored the skin by myself.
'You didn't have to do that for me, you know. You still need a fine body to earn money.'
'For you it's worth it. And a scar would make me more human,' I said.
It was late. We both agree to turn in. As we stood up, I hesitated.
'What's the matter?' my man asked.
'Don't you ever feel unfaithful to your wife?'
'You're not a woman.'
'Which breast size do you prefer, then?' I felt myself blushing scarlet.
'Do you always ask your customers this question?'
'No. The ladies care about something else. But I want to pleasure you tonight.'
'Don't you please your customer every night?'
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
'I asked because I seriously want to be together with you.'
'You're with me now, and just be yourself, OK?'
I stripped off my skin, gracefully like dancing. My transparent shells shone like under the silver
moonlight, and the LED lights inside me flashed like stars of the diamond-patterned constellations.
'It's beautiful,' my man said.
I reassured him that I had installed newly unsealed one-off devices, but I asked for his opinion
again on the bed.
'Just be yourself. If your default setting is to install the male device in the upper port, you don't
have to worry about it or install the female device instead. Don't think about pleasing me. Just run
your programs normally.' My man began to top.
I was nervous. I turned all my sensors to maximum; I had never done that before. For that
reason, my female device became very sensitive and contracted more frequently.
My man began panting heavily. 'Oh my god! You're damn good!'
I looked at the mirror on the ceiling. The last time I saw myself lying under a guy was a long time
My sensors told me my man would come in approximately two minutes. I switched to the
infrared radiation sensor. I saw a human body blazing like the sun.
You are the sun in my life.
The sex program suddenly instructed me to orgasm.
No, I can't. I haven't got prepared yet.
But there was no time. The program drove me really mad. 'Contract. Ten seconds of heavy
breathing. Roll the head from side to side. Ejaculate. Simulating a slight asthma attack. Die a little.'
I heard my man moaning loudly.
'Your program's perfect. I've never felt so good in my life.' He panted heavily above me.
We looked at each other. His red face made me happy.
My man calmed down. He asked, 'Do you run the program often?'
'No. My customers these days are mainly ladies. Last time I ran this program, it was two years
five months three weeks ---'
'OK, why not telling me about it?' my man interrupted me.
I told him while looking at him in the eye, 'That night, I met a young private in Benjamin's. He
was very interested in me. So we bid farewell to his comrades and went to a motel. After he
examined my groin, he asked if I could install two female devices. I said I only brought one, but if he
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
liked I could install it in the upper port instead. He agreed, and asked for a breast size between B
and C.
'When he began to top me, I found out he had erectile dysfunction. He said that was why he
preferred me, because a Harlequin wouldn't make fun of him. Then, he asked if it was true that we
were equipped with a program treating erectile dysfunction.
'There's that sort of program indeed, available for download on the manufacturer's website. So I
asked him to rest for a while, and went to look for an Internet port in the room. I inserted my finger
---this one --- and downloaded what he needed. I hadn't got hacked yet.
It was safe to do so.
'When I ran the program, I found that it required the mouth instead of the female device. The
private and I laughed at the program for several minutes. Yes, we thought it was a funny idea. So I
tied him to the bed, covered his eyes and ears, and treated him for about forty minutes. When he
reached orgasm at last, he shouted loudly. I guessed the whole motel heard his yell, and I was kind
of scared.
'He said he had never experienced that kind of pleasure before. He said it was great. I told him he
might not have erectile dysfunction at all; he was in perfect health.
'Later I gave him another treatment with my mouth, and he was able to use my female device
twice after the treatments. When he topped me, he kept saying he would never forget that night.
'The next morning, I opened my eyes. He was still fast asleep. I searched in his pockets for cash.
' ''What're you doing?''
'I was startled, but I turned around and told him I was looking for money.
' ''Don't you want to stay with me for two more days? Imagine we spend the time together ---''
' ''Sorry mister, I can't do that for you. A program doesn't allow me to do so.''
'He sighed and patted the mattress. I sat down. He took me in his arm and said, ''I'm going to Iraq
next week. Maybe in the future, I wouldn't have many chances to be with someone like this. Maybe I
would never get a chance again. Do you understand?''
''Of course.''
''So, why don't you ignore your program and hang out with me? We go to the theatre. We go
shopping, buy new clothes for you, just like a couple.''
''You must enjoy that very much.''
''Because you're the best Harlequin in this city.''
'I didn't know what to say. We gazed at each other. Then, I left the motel.'
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
My story ended. My man listened to me carefully. 'You just walked out on him like that?' he
'What happened next?'
'I went home. I had nothing to do, so I decided to cry. I found the specific program and ran it, and
I cried for hours without tears.'
'Did you feel better after crying?'
'There was no difference. But I swore I'd never cry again by erasing that program.'
We were looking at each other in the mirror on the ceiling. After a while, my man said frankly,
'I'm jealous.'
'Because you could solve his problem, but you can't solve mine.'
'I don't understand. You're in perfect health, too.'
'I have quarrelled with my wife for many times. Maybe I'll divorce her.'
'Is there any room for peace with her?'
'I don't know. Anyway, as a Harlequin, you must have met various people, and know many things
of different classes?'
'In a manner of speaking, yes, I do.'
We looked at each other quietly. I raised my arm to stroke my man's manhood tenderly.
'Are you running a wank program now?' he smiled.
'No. I just feel that yours is so alive. Mine is lifeless.' I stopped stroking.
'Don't say that. A living person programmed you. You are alive.' My man pinned me down, 'I
want another round. You were so damn good that I orgasmed too fast.'
After another intercourse, my man fell asleep. I looked at myself in the mirror, thinking about
nothing. Then, I pulled out the cord from the shoulder to recharge my battery.
Do you know it requires more power to simulate the female orgasm, my love?
I woke up and looked at the mirror. My man was gone, but he had left a cheque and a note:
Please write the amount of money you need on the cheque. I'm sorry I can't love you, but I want to
try my best to help you.</em>
There was a faint tobacco smell in the apartment, the smell of loneliness.
I deleted the maintenance script that ran every morning, and turned on the radio. I tuned as
usual, and stopped at a station.
Someone was singing softly on the radio.
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
Today I may not have a thing at all Except for just a dream or two But I've got lots of plans for
tomorrow And all my tomorrows belong to you ...
The best Harlequin in this city.
I saw the young private again. The scenes in that motel were replaying like a dream. I saw my
man again. The scenes last night were replaying like another dream.
But I never dreamed.
The recharge was done at noon. After a bath, I restored my skin with glue. Then, I put on a tight
shirt to cover the scars all over my body. Looking at the photo on the wall, I placed the used female
device on the desk below and turned on the printer.

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