HOLIDAY BONUS by Stephani Hecht.. - full story

Eli glanced up at the clock and silently counted off the
minutes left until his shift ended. His hands balled up into fists,
the move almost unconscious as he shifted in his plush office
chair. The laptop in front of him let out a low hum as the fan
kicked on, but he mostly ignored it. Who could think of
something as mundane as numbers and stock reports on a day
like today?
The distraction wasn’t due to the fact that it was Christmas Eve. Nor did it have anything to do
with the threat of a heavy snowstorm that was due to blow in at any moment. While those two
things had the potential to be annoying at best, they didn’t account for his nerves and near panic.
No, it had everything to do with the man in the next office. The hottest, sexiest son of a bitch in Ohio,
if not the entire United States.
On its own accord, Eli’s gaze drifted to the closed door that separated their desks. Since his boss
was well…the boss, he had one of those plaques on his door that had his name engraved on it. He
swallowed hard as his lips silently formed said name, Blake Weatherston.
Even with the wood barrier separating them, Eli could almost see the image Mr. Weatherston
presented. With dark hair, cut into a short business cut and a steely gray-eyed gaze, he was the last
type Eli ever thought he’d fall for. Yet, he had fallen, very hard. Eli knew he’d get hurt in the crash
and burn that would no doubt be the end result of his child-like crush.
That still didn’t prevent Eli from indulging in numerous fantasies, however. All of them had the
same theme, too--of him on his knees in front of Mr. Weatherston, head bowed, read to follow any
order given.
A groan slipped past Eli’s lips as another scenario sprang into his lust-filled head--this one
playing out with him nude, tied face down on a bed and waiting in eager anticipation for Mr.
A very handsome man stands
in front of a closet wearing an
expensive tailored suit. The
dress shirt is open to reveal a
leather S&M harness
underneath and a pair of
silver handcuffs hanging from
his belt.
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
Weatherston to do something…anything that would either result in pleasure or the most exquisite
Eli let out a low curse as he rubbed the heel of his hand against his hard cock. Great, just what he
needed, to spring another woody while on the clock. His only silver lining was that he’d been the
only employee who’d come in on the holiday.
The rest of the staff couldn’t understand why he’d willingly come in on Christmas Eve. He just
shrugged it off before mumbling something about needing the overtime. No way in hell would he
admit that he couldn’t stand being away from their aloof, stern employer. While everyone else
looked forward to the weekend, Eli cursed them.
He dropped his head to the desk, a sigh of self-disgust brushing against his lips. How much more
of a loser he could be? Here his crush had developed to near stalker status when Mr. Weatherston
never bothered to glance twice at him unless it was to issue an order. Not the good kind of orders
either, but ones that had to do with paperwork or clients.
The computer pinged, letting him know he had a new email message. Since he didn’t want to
deal with the mounting pile of forms and paperwork that awaited him, he decided to check out the
message. In truth, the email both confused and intrigued him since nobody else was at work. It
could be a client, but he doubted that even they would be out and working when they had
celebrations to attend. Not everyone had just an empty apartment and microwave dinner to keep
them company. Normal people had families and friends.
He clicked on his inbox and frowned when he saw it came from Mr. Weatherston. Opening it, he
frowned even further as he scanned the note, Come to my office, now. The message was curt and
cold, just like Mr. Weatherston’s personality. In the three months he’d worked there, Eli didn’t think
he’d seen his boss smile once, not even when one of the receptionists, Renee, brought in her new
baby. Who couldn’t break out a smile for an infant? It brought hardass to a whole new level.
That still didn’t stop Eli from fantasizing about the man though. If anything it made him want
him more. He wasted countless hours thinking of unique and imaginative ways he could finally earn
a smile of approval from Mr. Weatherston. Just one, that’s all Eli would need. Hell, there didn’t have
to be any teeth behind it. He’d be willing to take a tight-lipped Mona Lisa number, just so long as he
knew that he’d pleased the guy.
Eli’s computer pinged again. Somehow the noise carried a sharp edge of annoyance. Even before
he clicked the refresh button, he knew it would be from Mr. Weatherston. He swallowed against a
dry throat as his gaze drifted over the new message, this one even shorter than its predecessor. I
said, now!
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
He rubbed the palms of his hands over his coal-colored dress slacks as he darted a look at the
door. Heart pounding in fear and just maybe a bit of arousal, Eli forced himself to stand and move to
the door.
With every step he took closer, his chest grew tighter and more anxiety churned in his gut. He
chided himself for having such a stupid reaction. The boss probably just needed help with the new
computer program again. Ever since corporate switched to a new system, Mr. Weatherston had
been yelling out questions to his personal assistant at a nearly hourly base. He must have turned to
Eli out of desperation since they were the only ones present.
He swallowed hard once more as he raised his hand and gave a short, hard knock. As he waited
for a response, he clenched his hands into fists, silently cursing himself as he realized they were
empty. He should have brought along a pad of paper in case he had to take notes or something.
Stupid! How many times do you think you’ll be able to fuck up before they kick your sorry ass to the
Before he could berate himself any longer, Mr. Weatherston called, “It’s about time. Get in here.”
Eeep…not exactly how he’d hoped the conversation would start, but it wasn’t like Eli could turn
tail and bolt now. Not unless he wanted to start off the new year collecting unemployment. He took
in a deep breath before he turned the handle.
Mr. Weatherston barely looked up from his computer as Eli entered. That was okay though, since
it gave Eli a chance to really study his boss. Even seated behind his massive, oak desk, Mr.
Weatherston still managed to look dominating and like a fuck-me-please dream come true. His
normally carefully groomed, dark hair had a small cowlick in the front, like one would get tugging at
in frustration or something. He’d taken off his suit coat and loosened his red tie, plus the top few
buttons of his black dress shirt were undone, but that didn’t make him any more approachable.
More uneasy than ever, Eli shuffled forward another couple steps. He deliberately left the door
slightly open. While the idea of being trapped by Mr. Weatherston may send a thrill through Eli that
went straight to his cock, he didn’t have any aspirations to their conversation would last more than
a few seconds.
When several tense beats passed and the boss didn’t say anything, Eli nervously cleared his
throat. “You wanted to see me, sir?”
That got Mr. Weatherston’s attention, but not in the way Eli wanted. He glared up from his work,
his full sensual lips pressed into a disapproving line. “Don’t speak unless I give you permission.”
Eli blinked a few times, the words hitting him like a slap to the nose. He felt as if he’d just been a
puppy reprimanded for barking at the mailman or something. A rush of anger went over him.
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
Unfortunately so did a wave of desire. Great, just what he needed to finish off this craptastic day, to
spring an erection in front of his boss. He could almost hear how he’d have to explain that one away
to the unemployment office.
“How did you lose your last job?”
“Well, you see my penis couldn’t control itself and decided to stand up and be noticed while I was in
my employer’s office. Oops, my bad.”
The silence continued to stretch and Eli fought the urge to shift nervously on the balls of his feet.
Why in the hell didn’t Mr. Weatherston just tell him what he wanted? Surely he didn’t call Eli in here
just so he could watch his boss working on the computer. If so, it seemed like a damn waste of his
time and since Mr. Weatherston was the one who signed Eli’s paychecks, he should care about that
more than anyone.
Just when Eli felt ready to crawl out of his skin, Mr. Weatherston turned and gave Eli a smile. An
actual frigging smile! Eli’s lips parted slightly in shock and he had to hold back a gasp of surprise.
“I’m glad to see you can follow direction. It lets me see that you have potential,” Mr. Weatherston
said as he slowly rose to his feet.
Warmth pooled in Eli’s stomach at the praise. If he had been that reprimanded puppy, his tail
would have been wagging in anticipation. He opened his mouth to shoot off a thank you, but quickly
clamped it shut again when he realized he didn’t have permission to speak.
Mr. Weatherston walked past Eli, their bodies so close together that Eli could smell the
expensive cologne the man wore. A mix of sandalwood and musk, it never failed to set Eli’s libido
off. While he wanted to turn his head in order to drink in more of the scent, something told him that
any movement on his part wouldn’t be welcomed. Not unless it was under Mr. Weatherston’s
* * * *
Blake bit back a moan as he watched the younger man struggle to obey his commands. The short,
hesitant way he moved screamed his inexperience. Yet, Eli still seemed so eager to please…to
submit. Blake forced back another smile as he relished the thought of finally being able to have
some alone time with his newest employee.
Eli lowered his blue-eyed gaze to the ground, his plump lips slightly parted as he took in sharp
breaths. While Blake knew the man styled his short, dark hair into a faux hawk off hours, while at
the office, he kept in a more conservative style, only spiking the very front slightly. He wore a suit
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
that didn’t appear expensive, but still managed to fit his thin build to perfection. The tie was tight
and perfectly knotted, just as Blake had come to expect from his employee. Eli always strived to be
the best worker, the neatest dressed, the most efficient at office procedure, in other words, a damn
perfectionist. It was trait that both impressed and annoyed Blake.
Truthfully, Eli should be off limits. Blake was his boss and the other man was ten years, two
months and thirteen days younger. Ever since Blake first laid eyes on the too-hot-for-his-own-good
brat, he’d been fighting the attraction that he knew went both ways. Blake had been doing a good
job of keeping his distance, too, until two things happened.
Number one may not have been enough to have pushed Blake over the edge. Eli had gone on a
few dates with one of the guys from the next office over. While it had created tinge of jealously,
Blake only had to take one glance at the pathetic loser to know he’d never last with Eli. Even from
across the parking garage, Blake could tell the man would be too soft and easy for Eli to manipulate.
Even in the short time Blake had known Eli, he realized the younger man yearned for someone
stronger and in control.
Still, if that had been the only issue, then Blake would have been okay. He could deal with a little
bit of jealously--not that he felt proud of his moment of weakness, but he would have gotten over it.
Then, just as he thought he had a handle on the situation, he got slapped with problem number
two—he had to work all day with Eli, the two of them alone.
Blake realized immediately there would be no way in hell he could be around that sweet
temptation all day and not give into his urge to sample just a little bite. Now that he actually had Eli
in his office and at his mercy, Blake also knew that neither of them would be leaving any time soon,
nor would there be any more work getting done.
He pushed the door the office closed, biting back another smile as he noticed Eli tracking the
movement. Eli even licked his lips a few times in a nervous gesture. He didn’t break and speak,
however, and for that, Blake was willing to give a small reward.
“Did you enjoy your holiday bonus?” Blake asked as he moved in behind Eli.
Eli nodded, but didn’t turn around. “Yes, Mr. Weatherston. I especially liked how you gave us a
magazine subscription in addition to a check. So every month now, I’ll get a new magazine. It’s like a
gift that keeps on giving. I’ve always been fond of that kind of present.”
Blake smiled at Eli’s babbling answer. “Why don’t you call me Blake?”
“Sir?” Eli turned his head slightly in Blake’s direction. The way Eli’s brow furrowed in confusion
could only be called cute.
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
“You can call me that, too. In fact, sir would work much better in certain circumstances. Just not
Mr. Weatherston. It’s too formal.”
“I don’t understand,” Eli replied in a small voice.
“I’m not going to be coy. I want you and by the fuck-me looks you’ve been shooting my way, I
would say that you want me, too.” He ran the back of his fingers along Eli’s cheek, relishing the
shiver he earned in response. “Unless I’m mistaken. If I am, then just tell me. I won’t force you to do
anything you don’t want to and if you say no, it won’t mean you’ll lose your job either.”
Eli’s closed his eyes as he took in a shuddering breath. When his lids opened again, Blake’s cock
jerked in response when saw the arousal darkening the man’s gaze.
“I want it very much, Mr. Wea…sir.”
“Good boy,” Blake praise as he caressed Eli’s cheek once more. “There’s one more thing you
should know though. If we do this, I’m in charge. While I’ll never do anything that you don’t want, I
still call the shots.”
A tiny smile passed over Eli’s lips. “In other words, you’re still the boss.”
Blake cupped Eli’s chin and forced him to lock gazes. “More than that, I’ll also be there to protect
you and to guide you. Do you understand what that means?”
“I think so,” Eli hedged. “You want to be my dominant.”
“Yes, does that make you uncomfortable?” Blake ran the pad of his thumb over Eli’s bottom lip.
“No, I’ve just never been in that kind of relationship before. I’ve always wondered what it would
be like though. Mostly, I’ve been curious as how it would be with you.”
Blake knew then for sure that there’d be no turning back. Now that Eli had agreed to his rules,
Blake was powerless to stop things from progressing. Fuck, who was he kidding? He’d been
powerless from the day Eli had come in for an interview. All Blake had to do was take one look at
those sweet, innocent baby blue eyes and he’d been a goner. “If you ever want to discontinue what
we’re doing or if you need a break, just say stop. Nod, if you understand.”
Eli nodded, a small whimper coming from him.
Blake allowed his gaze to fall to the man’s fly. Even through the material of his dress pants, the
bulge of his erection stood quite evident. Oh yeah, Eli would be perfect at this.
Blake moved around so he could lean across his desk. Crossing his arms over his chest, he issued
his next order, “Strip off your clothes, then come over and kneel at my feet.”
Another whimper escaped past Eli’s tightly pressed lips before he began to obey, his movements
slightly jerky. Each article that dropped away to reveal a new piece of naked flesh amped Blake’s
arousal more.
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
Once he had all his clothes off and every inch of Eli’s tight body was displayed, the sexual tension
felt nearly palpable. A slight blush covered Eli’s skin as he ducked his head in a self-conscious
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” Blake said, knowing the man needed some praise.
Eli lifted his head, his eyes rounded in shock. “No, I’m not. I know that I’m too skinny.”
“Are you calling me a liar?” Blake demanded sternly.
“I wouldn’t do that, sir,” Eli rushed as he shook his head so vehemently he was in danger of
getting whiplash.
“Then we’re both in agreement. Your body is perfect.”
For a moment, it looked as if Eli would argue, but in the end, he pressed his mouth together and
nodded. Blake crooked a finger and Eli obeyed, moving slowly forward until they were inches apart.
He gave Blake one more glance, his eyes filled with both passion and a bit of uncertainty before
dropping to his knees.
It wasn’t the most graceful movement Blake had seen by any stretch, but the fact that it was Eli
doing it more than sufficed. Then when he stared up, his face so innocent and filled with longing,
Blake couldn’t hold back the soft moan that slipped from his mouth.
Eli stared at Blake’s fly before looking back up, his expression clearly begging for permission.
Blake made him wait for several seconds, to let him know who truly was in charge of the encounter,
before finally nodding his permission. Eli lifted trembling fingers and undid Blake’s pants. He
lowered the trousers and briefs just enough for Blake’s cock to spring free.
“Now this is gorgeous,” Eli whispered as he ran his thumb over the tip. Gathering up a few drops
of pre-cum, he lifted his digit to his mouth and licked it clean.
Blake tracked the way Eli’s sweet tongue darted and finally had enough. With a low growl, he
cupped the back of the man’s head and urged him forward. Eli took the hint, his lips parting to take
in Blake’s cock.
At first, Eli gagged a bit, but he soon adjusted and got into the game. He even took the initiative
to splay his fingers over Blake’s thighs. Hungry noises emitted from Eli as he licked and sucked.
Blake kept his hand in place, threading his fingers through Eli’s soft hair.
Damn, Eli sure knew his way around a cock. Aside from the first gag, he sucked Blake off with
impressive skill. He somehow managed to keep up the pressure so the waves of pleasure rolled
over Blake in slow, easy passes. Through it all, Eli would occasionally glance up from under his
lashes, as if seeking reassurance.
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
“It’s fantastic,” Blake praised. As soon as he saw the glow pass over Eli’s face from being
complimented, Blake knew for sure he’d made the right choice. Yes, Eli and he would work perfectly
together. He trailed his fingers down Eli’s temple and added, “More than fantastic, it’s the best I’ve
ever received.”
Eli smiled around Blake’s cock and began to suck in earnest, his cheeks hollowing out. Blake
allowed it to continue a few moments, just until he was on the verge of coming before he curled his
fingers into Eli’s hair and pulled him back. “Enough.”
A frustrated whimper came from Eli before he asked, “Why?”
“Because when I come, it’s going to be in that tight ass that’s been tempting me for so long. Stand
After running a hand over his swollen lips, Eli obeyed, his legs trembling slightly. Blake left him
standing there. Never taking his gaze off the naked man, Blake went around to the back of his desk
and pulled out a condom and small tube of lube from the top drawer. Slamming them down, so
there could be no way Eli would miss them, Blake went back around and stood behind Eli.
“Bend over my desk and hang on,” Blake whispered in Eli’s ears.
The speed at which Eli moved to obey would have been laughable in another situation. Blake
took a moment to admire the way Eli looked, all stretched out over the oak, his ass exposed and
almost begging to be taken. Blake stroked a finger down Eli’s spine, one of his favorite fantasies
springing to his mind.
“You know what I’d like to see most?” he asked, as he decided to share it with Eli. At the same
moment, he grabbed the lube and squeezed a liberal amount into his hand.
“No,” Eli’s voice hitched when Blake used a finger to circle his hole.
“Leather covering this beautiful skin.” Blake used his free hand to trace an X along Eli’s back to
signify where he wanted it to be.
“Wouldn’t the others in the office be a bit put off if I run around in fetish gear?” Eli’s last words
came out as a moan as his ass became penetrated by one of Blake’s fingers.
“You can wear in under your shirt and only allow me to see it. Just like you can start keeping a
pair of handcuffs in your pocket, so they’re always available for me to use on you.” Blake added a
second finger, marveling at the visceral reaction the added pressure earned from Eli. The man held
nothing back.
“Okay, it that’s what you want, sir, I’ll go out and buy it first thing in the morning.”
Blake curled his fingers so he could peg Eli’s sweet spot. “I don’t think the store will be open
tomorrow since its Christmas.”
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
Eli cried out in pleasure as Blake hit his prostate again. “Fine, then the day after tomorrow. I
Blake moved his hand, slicked on the condom, then lined the tip of his cock up to Eli’s entrance.
“Who says I’ll be willing to let you out of my bedroom that soon?”
He slowly pressed in, a moan ripping from his throat at the tight, warm grip. Damn, this was so
much better than he’d dreamed.
Eli curled his fingers against the wood as he hissed in pleasure. “Your bedroom?”
“Yes, I’m taking you home with me tonight and I don’t plan on you leaving my presence any time
soon.” Blake didn’t have a holiday celebration to attend the next day and he knew Eli didn’t either,
so what better way to spend the twenty-fifth than with his dick buried deep inside Eli’s ass.
“Oh, God,” Eli breathed, although Blake didn’t know if it were from his declaration or the fact that
he’d started to really give the man a hard fucking.
Eli let out keening sounds, his fingers clawing at the desktop. With the way his lips parted
slightly, a deep flush covering his cheeks, he couldn’t have been sexier. Blake felt a heady sense of
power, knowing that could do anything to Eli and the younger man would allow it. Hell, Eli would
probably get down on his knees and beg if asked. Along with that power came the overwhelming
urge to also make sure Eli was protected and cared for.
Blake could sense his orgasm peaking, but he didn’t want to give himself pleasure until his sub
found it first. Running a hand down Eli’s sweat covered back, Blake said, “Come for me.”
Those must have been the words Eli had been waiting for because after a couple more thrusts,
he cried out Blake’s name, then shot off, his spunk covering the desk and carpet. The walls of his ass
squeezed Blake’s cock and that forced him over the edge, too. Digging his fingers into Eli’s skin,
Blake threw his head back as he filled the condom.
For a few breaths, Blake didn’t move, too content to ride out the high. Then he let out a sigh and
rested his forehead on the nape of Eli’s neck. If Eli felt squashed by the added weight, he didn’t
complain, quite the opposite, he let out a happy sigh.
“That was amazing, sir,” Eli offered in a hesitant voice.
“I’m glad you liked it. Consider it an added holiday bonus,” Blake teased.
Eli paused, before venturing, “Is this bonus the same as the magazine one?”
Blake smiled against Eli’s flesh. “Is that your backhanded way of asking if this thing between us
is going to last more than a few days?”
“Would it make you happy if I said yes?”
Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
“More than anything, sir,” the heartfelt tone in Eli’s voice made Blake smile wider.
He pressed a kiss to Eli’s neck. “Yes, this gift will also keep on giving. Now that I’ve had you, I
know I’d be a damn fool to let you go.

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